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Affordable Style, DIY Tutorials, Embroidery, mod, mothers day, Silk ribbon embroidery -

Plus a tutorial... One of my closest friends recently became a single dad. This is his first 'Mother's' day. I decided to stitch up a quick and easy gift to help him celebrate. [caption id="attachment_807" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Monogrammed Handkerchiefs"][/caption] I purchased 2 handkerchiefs - I guess I could have made them, but at $1.00 each, I was figured it was worth neglecting my handmade pledge for this project. I wrote his initials on each handkerchief and stitched  them with light blue cotton embroidery floss. I used a 3 strand stem stitch - 2 strands because it made the stitch stand...

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Althea, Art, custom textile, digital textile, embroidery, Garden, mothers day, nature, Silk ribbon embroidery, textile design -

[caption id="attachment_780" align="alignleft" width="277" caption="Just the 2 of us"][/caption] Each mother's day I treat myself to something handmade. This year I decided to treat myself to something I made - you see, I am always creating for others, but never for myself. As I was looking around my house for some kind of inspiration, I came across a project that I did about 10 years ago. It was a Photoshop rendering of myself and my son walking in my back yard. The image was inspired by a poster I saw in a big box store - either Target or Walmart...

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Althea, Art, digital textile, DIY Tutorials, embroidery, home decor, Photography, Silk ribbon embroidery, wall hanging -

That someone is my son. I bribed him with a snicker bar to pose for the picture seen below.   Some one's knocking at the door. I changed the image to gray scale and printed it to a piece of cotton fabric. I added flowers to the basked using various spring colored silk ribbon. I think they pop against the black and white image. xoxo Al

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DIY Tutorials, embroidery, Garden, mothers day, Silk ribbon embroidery, Silk ribbon stitch, SRE -

...Using Silk Ribbon [caption id="attachment_757" align="alignleft" width="281" caption="The silk ribbon ribbon stitch"][/caption] Step 1. Bring the needle up through to the right side of the fabric (at A) and pull through. Step 2. Lay ribbon flat on fabric and insert needle at B, piercing ribbon and the fabric. Step 3. Pull through slowly to the back of the fabric until the desired petal shape is achieved. (Ribbon will curl into B, so don't pull tightly, or effect will be lost). To vary curl, pierce B to right or left of center of ribbon width. Step 4. Work 5 petals for...

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apron, Art, DIY Tutorials, embroidery, Give Away, Silk ribbon embroidery -

....Plus Free download I work Full-time, I am a marketing consultant Part time, I am a parent and I am a craft project devotee. I love to embroider, I find it calming, it relaxes me, it is the perfect hobby for people in high stress jobs. Unfortunately, it can be very time consuming, therefore, sometimes it can be weeks before you complete a project. Well, I have created what I call Embroidery projects for lazy, overworked, stressed out people with minimal time to spend on a hobby. Here is my process. First I decide on the design. For this project,...

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