My Silk Ribbon Garden
[caption id="attachment_780" align="alignleft" width="277" caption="Just the 2 of us"]
Each mother's day I treat myself to something handmade. This year I decided to treat myself to something I made - you see, I am always creating for others, but never for myself. As I was looking around my house for some kind of inspiration, I came across a project that I did about 10 years ago. It was a Photoshop rendering of myself and my son walking in my back yard.
The image was inspired by a poster I saw in a big box store - either Target or Walmart - it showed a girl in a bonnet walking in a garden followed by 2 ducks. I decided to replace the girl with an image of myself and my son. My Nephew took the picture and I added some Photoshop filters to that it would match the back ground scenery. Printed my composition and placed it in a modern silver frame.
[caption id="attachment_778" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="A walk in my Virtual garden"]
I wanted to take the project a step further so I printed a copy or the image to a piece of cotton. At the time, I used a laser printer and it soon became apparent that printing on fabric with a laser printer can be quite problematic. After several paper Fabric jams, I successfully printed a faded image on the fabric. The image looked vintage, so I was digging it.
[caption id="attachment_792" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="My Spring Garden"]
I used white, yellow, purple and red 2mm silk ribbon to embroider the the flowers in my garden. French knot and lazy daisy stitch added a dimensionality to the project.

Hope you like it xoxo Al