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Inspiration, My Style -

Maybe the most surprising thing about Wynwood and it's inhabitants is how seriously they take the entire situation. When I went there, I was expecting something much more tame, something overdeveloped and precious and planned. What I found was just much more organic. The people I saw seemed genuine, if a little twee, and the area itself looked grown, as opposed to created. I quite frankly have never in my life seen a place that uninhibited. Even now, as I look back, I am struck by how genuine the art looked and felt. There were handtags over expressive murals, different...

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Garden -

This textile is a succulent plant addict. during the week, I work on my textile designs, But on the weekend, you will find me cruising flea markets for unusual containers for my ever growing succulent container garden. [caption id="attachment_1419" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Flea Market Finds[/caption] Not all my flea markets finds are suited to container gardening, but I have always been able to figure out  way to include them in my succulent garden. [caption id="attachment_1420" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Cobalt blue dish, turned cactus home[/caption] The bottle below will eventually be an oil lamp. But for now, it houses a mini cactus that...

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affordable decor, Affordable Style, custom pillow, custom textile, Home and Garden, My Style, pillow, pillow cover, VW bug pillow -

2013 was a year an exciting year. When my corporate position position was eliminated, I panicked and I immediately started to search for another position. Getting a new job should have been easy, After all, corporations should be clamoring for a person with my qualifications - but what I found out is this. When you are in the online marketing space, you need to compete with the 20 somethings who are willing to offer their service for free. Well as they say, When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, so that is what I did. You see, during my down...

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affordable decor, Affordable Style, Art, coastal decor, cushion, custom pillow, custom textile, Home and Garden, Inspiration, My Style, nautical decor, pillow -

This summer, I had several visitors from out of state and the number 1 request of each visitor was "can we go to the beach?" and naturally each time my response was YES! I had a treat for my cousins when they visited - I took them to see the Florida sea turtles hatch and make their way to the sea. Everyone should have this event on their bucket list. The hatchelings break out of their shells and thrash about together causing the walls of the nest to collapse and the bottom of the hole to rise. Once near the...

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Affordable Style, Art, Home and Garden, Inspiration -

Last night I had a crazy dream, I dreamt that I got a tattoo of a dragon on my forearm. Instead of breathing fire, the dragon was breathing hearts and flowers. Why is this a crazy dream? I do not have any tattoos nor do I have piercings because I am deathly afraid of needles. I admire body art, but I do so from afar. This dream served as an inspiration for another pillow design - groovy, I can satisfy my love of  tattoo art without the discomfort. [caption id="attachment_1383" align="aligncenter" width="400"] The Dragon[/caption] I started by modifying one of...

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