container garden, DIY Tutorials, Embroidery, Garden, sewing, Silk ribbon embroidery, topiary, wall hanging -

Silk Ribbon Embroidery Topiary

-With elements form nature. If you have visited the alm Project blog in the past, you will no doubt notice that I like working with silk ribbons. I like that they add texture to a project, I like that they are 3 dimensional and I like that they give instant gratification - after all, you can complete a seeming complex project in one afternoon. On one of my many sleepless nights, I decided to create some wall art for my powder room. I had gone on a nature walk earlier that afternoon and collected some bark from a banana and a coconut tree. I wanted to incorporate them into a project...This is what I came up with. [caption id="attachment_678" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Silk Ribbon Embroidery Topiary"]SRE Topiary[/caption] I love roses - all kinds, fragrant, non fragrant, red one, yellow ones , white ones- you name it I like it. They are also incredibly easy to capture using silk ribbon. (see how to create a silk ribbon rose here). I used 13mm variegated orange and red  ribbon, 13mm white ribbon and a mix of 7mm and 13mm variegated green ribbon to achieve the floral portion of the topiary. For the stem, I used 13mm variegated brown silk ribbon. [caption id="attachment_679" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Close up View"][/caption] For the vase/plant holder, I used a portion of the bark from a coconut tree - it was just lying there on the ground begging to be in one of my projects. Check it out up close, it looks like the material you use for window screens. (*note to self, try embroidering on coconut tree bark). [caption id="attachment_681" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Coconut Bark"][/caption] I added some Spanish moss (found on every tree in South Florida) around the base of the topiary and I used some glass micro beads to highlight the planter. Orchids are another favorite. Love them! I try to incorporate them into my projects every chance I get. [caption id="attachment_682" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Orchid and SRE"][/caption] I took a photo of one of my orchids and transferred the image to fabric using photo transfer paper. I used the dry peel kind - hence the sheen. I stitched the center of the flowers with pink 4mm silk ribbon and I used a variegated 13mm green ribbon for the leaves. The plant holder is is made from the bark of a banana tree. I did a simple weave and this is what I ended up with. [caption id="attachment_683" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Banana Tree Bark"][/caption] Some dried flowers from my collection and an angel with a watering can completed the look. How do you incorporate natural items into your projects?

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