Sand Dollar Napkin Rings
I am going through my coastal decor phase, so I have been creating a few accent pieces for my home. Here is the first of my creation - they are napkin rings embellished with sand dollars.
[caption id="attachment_1290" align="aligncenter" width="400"]
Sand Dollar Napkin Rings[/caption]
This was a very simple project. I used strips of vinyl shelf lining, silk ribbon, some glue and of course, sand dollar.
Here is how I made them. I cut 4 strips of vinyl - 12 inches x 2 inches. Curl the vinyl around to form a cylinder/tube (circle). Secure the ends with some quick setting clue like hot glue. Alternatively, you may use the inner tube from a roll of paper towel. Once the rings are created, I used some 7mm silk ribbon I had left over from another project to wrap around the vinyl rings completely covering them. I secured the ribbon with glue, then I glued the sand dollar to complete my project.
[caption id="attachment_1291" align="aligncenter" width="400"]
Colorful table setting[/caption]
I also created a nautical table scape for my living room. I used 3 glass globes from the dollar store, some beach sand some shells and some star fishes. I live 2 blocks from the beach, so collecting the items for my table scape was easy. But, you may purchase shells and other nautical supplies at most discount and craft stores.
[caption id="attachment_1294" align="aligncenter" width="400"]
Nautical table scape[/caption]
I covered my sea side creation with mirrors and perched some rustic candles on top. What do you think - nautical or nice?;}