Kettlebell inspired Planter
Who else but yours truly would be inspired to create a plant pot while doing kettlebell swings? I did an illustration of 'skull' several years ago when I was going through my Ed Hardy, skull phase - truth, I was mulling over getting a tattoo but I chickened out - it looks like it hurts...A LOT. Anyway, since the design was generic and unoriginal, I stashed it away in the archives.
Fast forward 6 years later, I am at the box/gym doing the Work Out Of the Day (WOD) - 4 rounds 7 heavy kettle bell swings - and as I am swinging a 44 lbs kettlebell, I was inspired! Have you seen those kettle bells that look like a skull? Well, for some reason, swinging that kettle bell reminded me of the image I had tucked away. Plus the 4 rounds of 15 box jumps and 4 rounds of 10 toes to bars had me seeing dead people.
[caption id="attachment_1756" align="aligncenter" width="400"]
Skull Kettle bell[/caption]
Check out the process and the results.
I found a few patriotic boxes at Tuesday Mornings, they were not my style, but they reminded me of box jump boxes and they were only .75 cents so I grabbed all 4 that was left in the store.
BTW, check out the VILDAPEL from Ikea - doesn't it look like a mini box jump box? Can you tell that I am a little obsessed with Crossfit :)
I may have to do a project with this flower pot.

- I measured each side of the boxes:
- Next, I manipulated the image in illustrator, sizing them to fit the box.
- I printed them on 'sticker' paper, cut them to size then applied several coats of Mod Podge - allowing each coat to dry in between application. You may print the image to regular paper - printing them to sticker paper simply eliminate the gluing the paper to the box step
- I peeled the paper from the back of the image, exposing the sticky side, then I affixed the image to the box, trimming where necessary
- I sprayed a final coat of Mod Podge and plopped in my plant.