Inspiration, poem, school -

A peculiar mentality

School wakes up a feeling inside us To form cliques, as a response to stress. Low self esteem forces people to act, and thus we conform to ridiculous styles of dress. There are hipsters, rednecks, emo's, and others who use their music as an accessory, to be considered hip. Congregation provides safety in numbers, like being brothers, to stimulate relationships. Your group will think for you, as obnoxious as these thoughts may seem. A fake, bespoke life or doom for all of the desperate youth in need. But if you need a herd to feel contentment, then who am I to respond with resentment. Matthew A. Walters Age 15

School wakes up a feeling inside us

To form cliques, as a response to stress.

Low self esteem forces people to act, and thus

we conform to ridiculous styles of dress.

There are hipsters, rednecks, emo's, and others

who use their music as an accessory, to be considered hip.

Congregation provides safety in numbers, like being brothers,

to stimulate relationships.

You group will think for you,

as obnoxious as these thoughts may seem.

A fake, bespoke life or doom

for all of the desperate youth in need.

But if you need a herd to feel contentment,

then who am I to respond with resentment.

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