Gluten Free Muffins
Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Muffin Recipe
Have you heard of The Whole Life Challenge? it is "a 6-week, habit-changing, community-building game that is designed to help you live a happier, healthier life".
You play for points with friends and family and you are challenged to make small daily changes. Players are asked to include seven daily habits into their lives. They include exercise, hydration, mobility, supplementation, lifestyle practices, and reflection.
Well, I have decided to participate in this challenge and the best way to stay compliant is to prepare most of my meals. That way you know exactly what you are ingesting.
Now, full disclosure, I do not hang out in the kitchen very often. My creative mind has caused me to concoct some ill-fated recipes - but every now and then I get one right. So I shall share the recipe with you.
- 4 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/4 cup of raw honey or pureed dates
- 1/2teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 1/2 cups of almond or gluten-free flour
- 1/2 cup coconut milk - this is optional - I added it because I like coconut flavor or 1/2 cup plain almond milk, unsweetened
- You may also add craisins - as much or as little as you like.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl or mixer and mix well. You can also use a stick blender if you have one. Blend until well mixed. Pour batter into a greased muffin tin. Cook time: Approximately 15 minutes for full-size muffins.The anatomy of a coconut
Easy peasy, right?